Yamaha Pro Angler Spencer Deutz Educates Youth Anglers during SCHEELS Fish Fest Week

[Fargo, ND, 4.30.24] –Yamaha Pro Angler Spencer Deutz teamed up with SCHEELS of Fargo to inspire and educate young anglers in the first of five fishing clinics of the season at SCHEELS. The event was held during SCHEELS Fish Fest Week, a two-day event where fisherman can score early season savings on fishing tackle and equipment. The clinic attracted 54 future anglers eager to learn about fishing, from Deutz who shared an interactive experience covering essential topics such as water safety, fish identification techniques, strategies for preserving our waterways from Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS), and much more. Deutz's presentation not only focused on honing fishing skills but also emphasized the importance of environmental stewardship. Through engaging demonstrations and discussions, participants gained a deeper understanding of their role in preserving the natural habitats of fish species specifically preventing the spread of Zebra Muscles. "I believe it's crucial to instill a sense of responsibility and respect for nature in the next generation of anglers," Deutz remarked. "Events like these provide the perfect platform to impart these values while fostering a lifelong passion for fishing."A highlight of the event was "Project Tikka Mino," where the youth anglers learned to create their own customized fishing lures. The project allowed them to explore their creative abilities while gaining an understanding of lure design principles. At the end of the season, 10 winners will be chosen and their drawings will be converted as an exact match on to an actual Tikka Mino fishing lure. Each youth angler received a Yamaha hat, t-shirt and a complimentary rod and reel combination courtesy of the National Professional Anglers Association Future Angler Foundation (NPAA) Future Angler Foundation (FAF).Spencer Deutz, Yamaha Outboards, SCHEELS, National Professional Anglers Association and the Future Angler Foundation thanked all participants, their families, and the community for their support in supporting the clinics and youth fishing throughout the area. The event paves the way for a brighter future for fishing and conservation efforts in our region.About Spencer DeutzSpencer Deutz is a Yamaha Outboards professional angler with more than 20 years of experience in the sport. He has a passion for fishing and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others. Deutz has competed in local, regional, and national fishing tournaments but more importantly has organized and hosted over 100 youth and family fishing clinics with the goal to grow the sport through education and outreach. Deutz’s Sponsors Include: Yamaha Outboards, SCHEELS of Fargo, Ranger Boats, Luther Family Buick GMC of Fargo-Moorhead, Blackfish Gear, Optima Batteries, VisionBANK, Moritz Sport and Marine, Off Shore Tackle Company and Airwave Pedestal.